Today I got some time off from my busy schedule and finally got a chance to see Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth. I thought it was wonderfully done and am now totally convinced that he intends to run for president. Throughout the movie he detailed his political life, included Katrina and hinted at how the current administration was responsible for most of the aftermath, and he included how the current administration has done virtually nothing toward fixing the problem of global warming. The movie seemed to send the message that the situation is bad and getting worse, but something can be done about it...Al Gore can do something about it. My friend came to the movie with me and before it we were discussing who we would endorse for the democratic nomination for president in '08. I said Gore of course and she believed Hillary would be a better choice. The movie was so powerful that afterwards she was astounded at what a good man Gore was and said that she would definately endorse him over Hillary. I think that movie may have won Gore not only the nomination for president in 2008, but the election as well. That is, if enough people see it. At one point towards the end he said something to the effect that this was a greater threat than terrorists and I think that will hit home with people. Gore had scientific facts backing up everything he said, and it was a very impressive presentation. Based on that movie, I think he's going to run for president, and has already started a heck of a campaign for it.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Today I got some time off from my busy schedule and finally got a chance to see Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth. I thought it was wonderfully done and am now totally convinced that he intends to run for president. Throughout the movie he detailed his political life, included Katrina and hinted at how the current administration was responsible for most of the aftermath, and he included how the current administration has done virtually nothing toward fixing the problem of global warming. The movie seemed to send the message that the situation is bad and getting worse, but something can be done about it...Al Gore can do something about it. My friend came to the movie with me and before it we were discussing who we would endorse for the democratic nomination for president in '08. I said Gore of course and she believed Hillary would be a better choice. The movie was so powerful that afterwards she was astounded at what a good man Gore was and said that she would definately endorse him over Hillary. I think that movie may have won Gore not only the nomination for president in 2008, but the election as well. That is, if enough people see it. At one point towards the end he said something to the effect that this was a greater threat than terrorists and I think that will hit home with people. Gore had scientific facts backing up everything he said, and it was a very impressive presentation. Based on that movie, I think he's going to run for president, and has already started a heck of a campaign for it.
At 6/16/2006 10:50:00 PM,
Human said…
Oh! I hope so! I'm so glad your friend was un illusioned from Sen Clinton.
I have seen the promo and he does have a good narrative voice. Plus we already know he is a winner. RUN AL RUN!
At 6/16/2006 11:07:00 PM,
Ellie said…
yes! definately. It would be great if he ran. you should see the whole movie, it's very good. :)
At 6/17/2006 06:08:00 PM,
Dardin Soto said…
Ellie, i admit to you that I am not an A.G. admirer. Not as much for his political views, but because the more you reaseach his life, his day-to-day motions and motives, you find as much or more irony and hypocracy in his belly than any other politico.
But knowing this cancer is something they all get once they touch the Washington D.C. Beltway i really dont hold it against him,... only the system that allows him to get away with it.
I will see this flick... and believe me I hate watching "self love and look-how-good-i-am documentaries"... but there is a salient message as to global warming and I readily admit to throw the baby out with the bath water has never been my mantra :)
At 6/17/2006 07:55:00 PM,
billie said…
i don't think that al gore is any more of a hypocrite than any of the yahoos who currently hold the reins in washington. you are welcomed to your opinion, of course, tp- but take a good hard look at the hypocrisy and outright corruption in the right wing. no contest. nevertheless, i hope that al gore does not run for president because i personally don't think he would win. there is the taint of 2000 and let's face it- most right wing folks are not going to 1) go to the movie and 2) believe anything in it even if they did. the left wing will go see it in droves and still not vote for gore. we need new ideas and new faces in this party. the more i listen to the tripe that is passing for a platform from ms. pelosi and mr. dean- it is making me angrier and angrier. same tired crap- let's fix college tuition and social security, etc. no focus on the pressing issues. yes, all of those other things are important- but not pressing. left won't win if they keep focusing on the wrong things. we have to stop being hijacked by the left wing fringe- and look to our moderates.
At 6/17/2006 10:20:00 PM,
Dardin Soto said…
Betmo, like I said,.. ALL policians suffer from the ill.
As to the rest of your comment, (excuse my blatant Limbaugh plagiarism) DITTO!! Ditto! Ditto!
I hear ya'. I think the right wing should uncopulate from nursing on the religious right's boob and get on with good old fashing pragamatism.
At 6/17/2006 10:24:00 PM,
Dardin Soto said…
excuse my spelling... no glasses tonight.... where the heck are they?
At 6/17/2006 11:40:00 PM,
Obob said…
I'll watch it on video, but the common thread it appeals to his side of the poltical meter is dead on. The right will find flaws and the left will counter. Thus continues the cycle of life, cue Lion King soundtrack. But gore is not a viable candidate for the dems, I still think a more polished edwards is the answer. He has the charm and semi-moderate stand to give him the edge.
At 6/18/2006 12:00:00 AM,
Ellie said…
truth-pain - the movie was somewhat a "self love" movie, but not that much. He talked about himself and he also addressed the issues of global warming. There was a good balance there. I'm glad you're going to see it, it was a good movie, and maybe it'll change you're opinion of Al Gore. :)
I agree with betmo that the right is more hypocritical and yes, unfortunately it seems that all politicians become somewhat crooked once they hit washington.
betmo - I think it would be very nice if we had new faces to the Democratic party, but I don't think that's going to happen. In my view, it's going to be the same old people. Hopefully though they will take on new issues. Maybe global warming will be one of those new issues...
obob - I dont' think that Edwards is the answer. In 2004 he didn't even win his own home state, or any states in the south for that matter. He was great in the debate against Cheney, but that went pretty much unnoticed. I don't know if he could win the election, and the democrats desperately need someone who can win.
At 6/18/2006 12:28:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
... Ellie, I am not above redemption :)
At 6/18/2006 12:43:00 AM,
Human said…
Although I liked it overall, I thought it was going to be more of a documentary than a presentation. I think if it appeared less of a rally it would have greater effect on people that are either Repub or Indies. Still, politics aside it is an important issue that needs to be addressed.
As I was perusing some far right blogs a while ago, I came across one that the blogger had changed his opinion on global warming. All because of a couple of satellite pics. I find it most effective when the truth can be put in front of the naysayer’s face. All in all we are a society of beings with a flash card mentality.
Everyone should see the film.
I won't ruin it, but the frog thingie was a relief;)
At 6/18/2006 12:46:00 AM,
Human said…
My 1st part of my comments were lost -
Hi Ellie. I just saw the film. Every few days I checkout Bushflash. I took advantage of your link to it and he has a link on the opposite of the left sidebar to the film......
At 6/19/2006 09:39:00 AM,
Ellie said…
truth-pain - I'm sure ur not. :) Try the link that human is talking about over at Bushflash. then you won't even have to leave you're house to see it :)
human - the frog thing was great :)
maybe some people will be turned off by the fact that it appears like a campaign video, but still I think it sends the message that global warming is an important issue, and the man that knows the most about it is Al Gore.
I'm glad that even the far right understands that global warming is an important issue. Maybe some of them will vote for Al if he runs on the basis of that. I doubt it, but it'd still be nice if that could happen.
in this as you called it a "flash card mentality" I think it was genius of Al Gore to come out with a movie. It showed the message clearly that something needs to be done, and that Al is the one to do it. I really hope he runs in 2008.
At 6/19/2006 09:38:00 PM,
Human said…
Yes it's a very good presentation.
Hoping here too!
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