A Third Party in 2008?
The other day my friend was telling me about a third party that was trying to get on the ballot in 2008 as an alternative to the Democratic and Republican Parties. I have pretty much always been against the Republicans. Recently I've become increasingly disgusted with the Democrats for not taking action against Bush. As truth-pain (awesome blog btw) said, "you guys spend 90% of your bull-horn minutes bashing Bush and 10% giving semi-salient alternatives to his policies. " Although this is a slight exaggeration, there really is too much Bush-bashing going on among the Democrats. Although I'm still leaning Democratic, this third party idea seems like a good idea and seems like it would be successful in 2008 because the American people are getting pretty fed up with the Republicans and the Democrats.
So, what's this party all about? This is their home website. The party is called Unity08. It is "a movement to take our country back from polarizing politics. In 2008, we’ll select and elect a Unity Ticket to the White House— one Democrat, one Republican, in whatever order, or independents committed to a Unity team."
They believe that "neither of today’s major parties reflects the aspirations, fears or will of the majority of Americans. Both have polarized and alienated the people. Both are unduly influenced by single-issue groups. Both are excessively dominated by money." I think the Republicans are more dominated by money, but nonetheless both parties are getting to be more focused on hating each other than on what's good for the country.
"We [Unity08] will not waste time pointing fingers. Instead, we will focus on how America can find common ground on critical issues – to give the overlooked moderate majority a voice and a choice in 2008." - What a good idea! Actually focus on what's good for the American people.
They believe they can succeed because
1. The American people know that the current political system is broken and that the time is short to fix it.
2. A solidly-funded movement of up to 20,000,000 Americans can be built online in order to nominate a Unity Ticket of their choice for 2008.
3. Seeing the numbers, leaders in both parties will see that a Unity Ticket in 2008 represents the jolt the political system needs to get back on track.
4. The tens of millions of Americans who have not been voting out of cynicism toward the current system are likely to rally to new leadership with a new approach.
Also, poll numbers back them up. Here's an article I found on them from Google News.
I don't know if this will ever take off. From the sounds of it, it might. Third party candidates have never gotten much support, or ever won a presidential election. However this is different. I don't think the Republicans and the Democrats have ever had such polarizing views. True, they stood for different things, but they could see the good in each other. And also their views weren't based on, okay you think that, well I'm going to think the opposite now. They actually stood up for what they believed in. I miss this, and hope that maybe if anything this third party can awaken the Democrats and the Republicans to the fact that Americans are upset with them, and maybe they will get their priorities in order.
So, what's this party all about? This is their home website. The party is called Unity08. It is "a movement to take our country back from polarizing politics. In 2008, we’ll select and elect a Unity Ticket to the White House— one Democrat, one Republican, in whatever order, or independents committed to a Unity team."
They believe that "neither of today’s major parties reflects the aspirations, fears or will of the majority of Americans. Both have polarized and alienated the people. Both are unduly influenced by single-issue groups. Both are excessively dominated by money." I think the Republicans are more dominated by money, but nonetheless both parties are getting to be more focused on hating each other than on what's good for the country.
"We [Unity08] will not waste time pointing fingers. Instead, we will focus on how America can find common ground on critical issues – to give the overlooked moderate majority a voice and a choice in 2008." - What a good idea! Actually focus on what's good for the American people.
They believe they can succeed because
1. The American people know that the current political system is broken and that the time is short to fix it.
2. A solidly-funded movement of up to 20,000,000 Americans can be built online in order to nominate a Unity Ticket of their choice for 2008.
3. Seeing the numbers, leaders in both parties will see that a Unity Ticket in 2008 represents the jolt the political system needs to get back on track.
4. The tens of millions of Americans who have not been voting out of cynicism toward the current system are likely to rally to new leadership with a new approach.
Also, poll numbers back them up. Here's an article I found on them from Google News.
I don't know if this will ever take off. From the sounds of it, it might. Third party candidates have never gotten much support, or ever won a presidential election. However this is different. I don't think the Republicans and the Democrats have ever had such polarizing views. True, they stood for different things, but they could see the good in each other. And also their views weren't based on, okay you think that, well I'm going to think the opposite now. They actually stood up for what they believed in. I miss this, and hope that maybe if anything this third party can awaken the Democrats and the Republicans to the fact that Americans are upset with them, and maybe they will get their priorities in order.
At 6/04/2006 01:36:00 AM,
The Future Was Yesterday said…
With all due respect to Truth-Pain, I don't see private citizens role as providing semi-salient alternatives to Bush's policies. Our role is to sound the alarm when things aren't as they should be, and leave those we elected to make alternative policy, and if they don't, remove them.
At 6/04/2006 02:28:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
Nice to meet you too!....With all due respect. "Unhappy American", you are not the last word on what can or can't be a citizen's role in the American Socio-political discourse. If that is your opinion, then by all means feel free to spread the word, but don't imply it is the last word in objectivity.
"... and leave those elected to make alternative policy, and if they don't, remove them"...(?)
So following your train of logic, the voting public has no purview in providing a critical mass of dis-enchantment so as to force your elected official to change his or her decision? And what do you think happens when we "sound the alarm"? do they just stand idly by?... a sounding of the alarm -as you put it-, is in effect creating a cause-effect of communication that conveys to your representative a weather-vane to our mood and collective thoughts. Why do you think polling is a multi-million dollar cottage industry? Is is OUR right as citizens, our duty as care-takers of our Costitutional Republic to offer advice, via town meetings, media, word of mouth or otherwise and be a constant reminder that they ignore our voices at their political peril,... have you not heard of recals? Here in California a certain Governor got tossed in his mid term by actions, not by the electorate awaiting for the next political cycle to come about.
Your comment is something I would expect from some of my friends who are not particularly of progressive alienations,.. are you?
At 6/04/2006 02:42:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
Thanks first of all for your kind comments and honest debate over at my blog. The Rudy thing is certainly fun to toss around...
As to Unity 08. I think its great, I really do. I have been a member of the Libertarian Party for over 14 years and even though I would love for more of our core platform standings to be taken-in by the top 2 parties, I fully know that the odds are not with me.
This is really intriguing to me. I had not heard of this and the video of the Judy Woodruff interview was very entlightening. I really want to keep tabs on what this movement is doing and what type of grass roots matrix takes hold to buttress their efforts.
It really says something about the status,... I dont think I remember a fusion-ticket idea such as this being taken seriously. It has been handed about by some of the pundits and media-heads but I never thought it had traction... interesting. Great Post!!
At 6/04/2006 03:10:00 AM,
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…
I say no to this idea. YES, the country is politically polarized -- because that was bush's goal! He claimed he was going to be a uniter and not a divider -- but of course that was just another lie. This lame gimmick isn't the answer. Vote out the Republicans and the problem with be largely solved.
Something the Democrats do suport: IRV (Instant runoff voting). With IRV third party canidates would actually have a shot.
truth-pain (awesome blog btw)
I just left a comment and was informed that it had to be approved... were you having problems with specific people? If not, I wouldn't use it. It makes me less inclined to want to leave a comment.
...become increasingly disgusted with the Democrats for not taking action against Bush.
What can they do as the minority party? You can be sure of this, however. As soon as the Democrats retake the House they will begin looking into corruption in Iraq.
At 6/04/2006 03:13:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
W-dervish.. i got your comments on my blog, thank you. I have to approve simply because i've been getting spammed like mad and having to filter the usual knuckle-heads who want to drop verbal bombs of no quotable content. Sorry for the inconvenience :)
At 6/04/2006 10:40:00 AM,
billie said…
i don't want to speak for unhppy american- but i think that what he was trying to say was- we pay these people to do what we want them to do. if we are going to have to make the policy decisions too- why the hell bother electing them. we set the policies by voting a certain way- and when these yahoos don't reflect what put them into office in the first place- then vote them out. is that accurate?
i agree that people should become more active in setting the agendas on the local level- i can't remember where i put that comment- as you said tp- i get around. :) starting at the local level and working up is a good way to go- but since we already have these knuckleheads in office- let's start sending the message that it's our way- or the highway. i am all for an independent third party. we have a couple of years to start a grassroots campaign through the internet- if we still can by then.
At 6/04/2006 12:51:00 PM,
Ellie said…
unhappy american - I tend to agree with truth-pain on this one. I see what you're saying but I think that it's going to take more than a sounding of the alarm. I think we've been sounding the alarm for too long, and they have been pretty much ignoring us. They haven't made alternative policies, and I think it's time to remove them now. Impeach! Thanks for dropping by :)
truth-pain - always great to debate with you!
I dont think I remember a fusion-ticket idea such as this being taken seriously. It has been handed about by some of the pundits and media-heads but I never thought it had traction
I think it has traction now because people are disgusted with both the Republican and Democratic Parties. They will look for an alternative in '08 and if this party has enough traction they may be able to get on the balllot. I don't know if they will be able to get close to enough votes to grab the presidency or enough to get on the ballot, but they should create some waves.
w-dervish - as I said to truth-pain, I'm not sure if this party will gain enough votes to get onto the ballot, but it sounds like it has some traction. Yes, a Democrat would be great in the White House. And a Republican would definately not be the answer. We'll probably end up with the same old Democrat vs. Republican in '08. However, I find this movement intersting. It sounds like it might just be able to get onto the ballot and even if it doesn't, it might have enough traction to create waves. It might be the kind of action that truth-pain is looking for and it might force the repubs and the democrats to rethink where they stand, and what they're doing wrong to make the American people unhappy with them. I hope you're right about the House looking into the corruption in Iraq. Maybe then I would have some of my faith restored in the Democratic party.
betmo - thanks for the elaboration. I still tend to disagree. As you said, it would be better if people became more active. Rather than sitting back and criticizing, people should actually do something!
since we already have these knuckleheads in office- let's start sending the message that it's our way- or the highway.
Definately! and yes, we have a few years to start a grassroots campaign and lets hope it's successful. And if it's not, lets hope that it at least causes these people to wake up and realize that Americans aren't pleased with them.
At 6/04/2006 06:05:00 PM,
Ellie said…
scie-kid - thanks for visiting :) I think you're definately right. Politicians need to take action and stop talking about what they're going to do and never do it. On the issue of oil I agree with you, we really should be trying to find an alternative fuel source. However, Bush is an oil man and so he makes profits by not having an alternative energy source. When we run out of oil, then some genius politician will realize that alternative fuel is the way to go. Until we get rid of this administration though, I doubt that there will be any funding for alternative fuel.
At 6/04/2006 06:32:00 PM,
Dardin Soto said…
Unhappy American. After re-reading my reply to you, I noticed that to the casual observer (and someone who has not read my comments before) I may have sounded somewhat curt and / or defensive to your assertion and opinions. Neither is the case.
After reading your well-put comments at my site I felt a need to clarify. Thanks!
At 6/05/2006 12:45:00 AM,
Obob said…
Our country is split politically because it wants to be. Americans need a bad guy. From B-Westerns to soaps, there is a heavy to be found.
Today it is the "other" party. and both are to blame. The republicans were irrate over the smugness of the clintons and the democrats upset they lost in 2000. Both parties ran bad campaigns to lose their power(GOP in 92 & Dems in 00 & 04). Then neither takes responsibility and manifests the other into a evil villian.
Throw in the pacs, the net, and savy wonks, you have a wasteland in the beltway. In the end I like the concept of Unity. Nice right up by broder. I will keep an I on it. I cannot promise I will to be more civil, but I'll try.
thanks for visiting ellie
At 6/05/2006 10:55:00 PM,
Human said…
Ellie - As I wanted to do for a while you are my New Friendly Link. I did not want to put you on till a certain pig(his name for himself) was not visiting. I did not want you harrassed.He may post here as himself or I or another. If the comments are not gentlemanly you will know it is not I. As with all New Friendlies it's announced in a post.
Honored to put you on it.
Truth-Pain Good self reflection on your comments to unhappy.
I 1st started voting when I was in California(like fer sure I'm a former Valley Boy) and compared to the east, the west is a lot more voter empowered. The thought of the people here making their own way is not even thought off. Every year or 2 the Wash. Post puts up an editorial on the evils of the people putting measures and other stuff on ballots. I think it is a Old English vs. the Independent Western Pioneer attitude.
To all - Whether it's 3rd party or an Indy, both parties need a wake up call. Like say revielle with a 10o million person bugle section 2 inches from there fat heads.
Unhappy-The only power they are supposed to have is what we give them. Nothing more.
At 6/05/2006 11:24:00 PM,
Ellie said…
truth-pain - as human said, good self-reflection. I really appreciate the fact that you made sure that the debate was friendly.
obob - happy to visit :-) Yes, people are very divided in this country. Although I do admire Clinton very much the '92 campain by the repubs was handled very badly. Something these people don't know how to do is reflect on what they could do to improve. They constantly point fingers and never look to themselves. I hope Unity08 makes both the repubs and the democrats realize that things need to be changed.
human - thanks for the link and the post. I'll swing by and take a look after this comment. Thanks for the warning about hellpig, and I will keep on the watch. :-)
yes, politicians have to realize that they can't do whatever they want, because the people ultimately will either not elect them or call for their removal if they don't do what they should.
At 6/06/2006 03:25:00 PM,
Cranky Daze said…
We've tried this. It didn't work. While every American has the right to vote for whomever they believe can do the best job for the country, the good ol' U.S. of A has been in crisis mode since January, 2000. In 2004, the unhappy fact is that every vote cast for a candidate that had no chance whatsoever at winning the election, worked in favor of George Bush.
Sometimes the "lesser of two evils" (if that is indeed the way one feels they must define American politics) is the only viable option that is presented to us...at least in times of crisis. That may not be, and in fact is not, the way things should be, but we have gotten ourselves into the mess we're in today, and it's up to us to get ourselves out.
It isn't that I don't care who is elected in 2008, or that I have no preference. I certainly do care, and I definitely have a preference. But at this point, I'd be inclined to vote for any Democrat, Independent, Libertarian or candidate from any other party that had a good shot at wresting control of this country from the greedy, corrupt hands of the Republicans. I'd even vote for Hillary (God forbid that she should get the Dem nomination) if she was the only candidate with a chance to keep the Republican candidate out of office...and I nearly choked typing that.
2008 is not, in my humble opinion, the year to play around with a fledgling party that has no chance of prevailing in the election. If we are to heal the wounds inflicted on us by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, et al, we need to consider what is possible and then vote accordingly. There is plenty of time to work to establish a third party once we stop our Ship of State from floundering.
At 6/06/2006 10:18:00 PM,
Ellie said…
cranky daze - Thanks for visiting :-). I tend to agree with scie-kid on this one. I think a third party should be given a chance. True, the third party takes votes away from the Democrats usually, but I think this party has more traction than any others in the past. Also, people are very divided and that might work in favor of Unity08. In 2000, had Gore had the votes that went to the third party he would have won the election regardless of the fiasco with the voting machines.
scie-kid - I agree with most of what you said, and I do think its a good idea if a third party came in on the local level before hitting the presidential level. However, if Unity08 gets onto the presidential ballot in '08 it would be a real wakeup call for Republicans and Democrats high up in the government. Hopefully they will start thinking more about what the American people want than what they want themselves. :-)
At 6/06/2006 10:18:00 PM,
Ellie said…
cranky daze - Thanks for visiting :-). I tend to agree with scie-kid on this one. I think a third party should be given a chance. True, the third party takes votes away from the Democrats usually, but I think this party has more traction than any others in the past. Also, people are very divided and that might work in favor of Unity08. In 2000, had Gore had the votes that went to the third party he would have won the election regardless of the fiasco with the voting machines.
scie-kid - I agree with most of what you said, and I do think its a good idea if a third party came in on the local level before hitting the presidential level. However, if Unity08 gets onto the presidential ballot in '08 it would be a real wakeup call for Republicans and Democrats high up in the government. Hopefully they will start thinking more about what the American people want than what they want themselves. :-)
At 6/06/2006 10:41:00 PM,
Obob said…
how much fun would a multi-party system be? We could have some wicked coalitions.
I was at the International Science Fair in Indy a few weeks ago. Smart kids from all over the world who humnbled me the second I sensed their brain waves.
Being a Social Studies teeacher I wandered until I found this Russian kid who had a mathmatical formula in bringing coalitions together. He compared Pre-Revolution Russia (1905), the recent Ukraine election, current Russian and US Houses. Graphs, charts, and decent English floored me. What was I really enjoyed was the short fantasy of our different factions of ideology in the GOP and Democrats, toss in Libretarians out of respect, and realized it could work. Maybe I'll fart around about this over the summer.
At 6/06/2006 11:23:00 PM,
Dardin Soto said…
C'mon people,.. tell me that a fusion ticket of say... Hillary (prez) and McCain (VP) would not be fun! Think of the dinner parties,.. the tea times between the two couples,...
Bill Clinton lovingly looking at Cindy McCain, as Hillary stomps him on the foot under the table,.. while McCain rambles on oblivious to the happenings.... Priceless!
At 6/06/2006 11:54:00 PM,
Ellie said…
obob - it would be quite interesting. It's amazing what can be done with math, even the most unmathematical topics can use math. Have you ever seen Numbers? Great show. :-)
truth-pain - LOL! yes!! that'd be great!! Even though Hillary's not my favorite person I'd like to see McCain second to her. Maybe I'd even settle for Giuliani being vice president to Gore or someone else as president. I don't think they'd work together that well though. How bout Hillary and Condi Rice. Now that'd make an interesting ticket. God help our country but I think we'd see a cat fight every day in the White House.
At 6/07/2006 12:03:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
... you know, Im not being sarcastic on this,..i think Hillsry makes a great VP on a fusion ticket. Say with a guy like Mitt Romney at the top of the ticket, if her ego can handle it.....
At 6/07/2006 12:15:00 AM,
Ellie said…
I doubt her ego can handle it. I'm not quite sure who Mitt Romney is, but I shall google it. Perhaps you're right, but I still think there are better candidates out there. I couldn't see her working with the other person and actually coming to a productive agreement.
At 6/07/2006 12:43:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
Romney is probably the only guy besides Rudy in the Repubs I would vote for,... Governor of Massachusets, pro-choice.... a centrist.
At 6/07/2006 11:11:00 PM,
Ellie said…
i read a little on him from Wikipedia. He sounds pretty good. I'll do more digging later when I have more time. I still wouldn't like to have a Republican president though.
At 6/11/2006 09:59:00 AM,
Obob said…
I joined Unity08
At 6/12/2006 12:49:00 PM,
Ellie said…
At 6/17/2006 03:32:00 AM,
Cranky Daze said…
"But people have been used to these two parties dominating the elections for .... heh, i dont even know, thats how long."
Since 1860, scie-kid. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Back then, the Republican party was the liberal party, the Democrats were the conservatives. Go figure.
And it's true that Lincoln, who was without question the greatest president this country has ever had, prevailed through a party that was just starting up. And the country was indeed in a crisis situation then. South Carolina seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860, and by the time Lincoln took office on March 4, 1861, nine other states had withdrawn from the Union. The country was in a kind of turmoil never seen before or since.
But Lincoln was an enigma in politics. He was brilliant, down-to-earth, and honest to a fault. His kind of morals and integrity are a scarce commodity in the 21st century. In fact, I would venture to say they don't even exist. It's a different world, and that's what we are stuck with, unfortunately.
I have no problem with the idea of expanding the two party system to include new parties. Indeed, I think it's a good idea. I realize that there are people, good, sincere people, who do not agree with me, and I not only respect their determination to think for themselves and not be led around by the nose by established political parties...in fact, I even cheer it.
But I have to stand by my earlier comments, that we are in deep trouble, and we absolutely must do our best to make sure the Republicans do not remain in control after 2008. I believe they have become dangerous to America, to freedom and liberty. And I do not believe that a new party that is largely unknown a year and a half before the election, has any chance of prevailing. That may be unfortunate, but in my opinion, it's reality, and that's what we must deal with.
I think Al Gore will run in 2008. In fact, there is a move afoot on the internet to draft him. Gore has changed. He is displaying a kind of energy that was missing in the 2000 campaign, possibly because he no longer has to carry around the Clinton sins, but more likely because he has matured politically. And, Ellie, Gore did win the election in 2000. If all the votes in Florida had been counted, we would have had a Gore presidency and although we still would have had problems, we most likely would not be fighting a war in Iraq. There is an excellent (and horrifying) article posted in the comments section of Huffington Post tonight. It's in the comments regarding the latest Ann Coulter debacle for some reason, but it details actions taken by Republicans to dispose of over a million votes, largely from areas with high black population, and many of them were votes by troops serving in Iraq.
Perhaps our most challenging job in the coming elections is making sure that Republicans are prevented from rigging the elections again.
Every American who is qualified to vote and bothers to do so, must vote his/her conscience, and it certainly is not my duty to criticize their decisions. But this is a comment section, and I care enough to state my opinion, and I believe with all my heart that we must do the best we can to elect a non-Republican in 2008. I consider myself to be fairly well informed on the current political situation, but until I happened upon this blog I had never heard of Unity08. Maybe many other people have, and maybe they are the party of the future, but I just don't see any chance that they can win the 2008 election.
For myself, although I don't agree with some things in the Democratic platform, I see them as the only party with a strong chance to take control in 2008, and that's the way I will vote.
At 6/19/2006 11:53:00 PM,
Ellie said…
If all the votes in Florida had been counted, we would have had a Gore presidency and although we still would have had problems, we most likely would not be fighting a war in Iraq.
amen to that!! some people actually think that the war would have happened anyway, but I think they are severly disillusioned. I think it could even be argued that September 11th wouldn't have happened if Gore had been president.
I think Unity08 could turn out to be a good scare for the repubs and the demos. maybe they'll realize that America is getting fed up with them. I agree with you that the Democrats are probably the best shot at getting the presidency away from the repubs, but I think Unity08 may have a chance of getting on the ballot. You never know what 2008 may bring.
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