You Are Most Like John F. Kennedy |
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This man lost his wife, five children, and a nephew in Qana.
And yet Israel continues to bomb the hell out of Lebanon. The people in the town of Qana were supporters of Hezbollah only because they saw what destruction Israel caused to their country. They see Hezbollah as their way of fighting back. The only thing they have to fight against Israel with. And they are called terrorists.
There should be a cease-fire now. Human lives are being lost, innocent lives. Israel needs 10 to 14 more days to finish their operation? And do what? Haven't they killed enough people already?
At 8/01/2006 01:09:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
Just one question,... not to say I am for mindless war,... but say Israel does stop the offensive, what of the thousands of rockets still in southern Lebanon ready to pounce on Israel again? just curious...
At 8/01/2006 01:26:00 AM,
Ellie said…
I think they should have a cease-fire and then have negotiations to establish peace. Israel can bring up the fact that they don't want those rockets pointed at them, and lebanon can bring up the fact that they don't want their country torn to pieces. maybe lebanon and israel can work together to disarm hezbollah, what I think they should have done in the first place. however, as the days of this war keep ticking by that is going to become harder and harder. I see the lebanese soon joining forces with hezbollah which will probably provoke all out war. as for the rockets? I say cease-fire. then negotiate some form of a deal that everyone is happy with. the primary concern should be to save as many lives as possible.
At 8/01/2006 08:22:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
So, if I assault you on the street to steal your purse, I should pummel you until you are ready to negotiate. Then, we agree that I get half of what you own so that I won't pummel you again.
A few months later, the same thing happens. I again get half of what you own.
In criminal law, this is called extortion. There havenm't been enough people killed yet...Hezbollah is still around.
At 8/01/2006 10:58:00 AM,
Dardin Soto said…
dis-arm? Is that not the job of the 2,000-heavy or so U.N. task force already there? Why did the Lebanese Government not disarm Hezbollah like they did the Druse? I think we all have to look at the history of Hezbollah and Israel since the 80's,... history says a deal cannot be consumed. Hezbollah fired first, they kidnapped the soldiers first, and Israel is giving no quarter to dismantling their network once-and-for-all... a "final solution" (ironically enough),.. unfortunely innocent by-standing civilians pay the toll. I've said it many times,.. If upstate New Yorkers were getting pelted with rockets from Quebec I'll bet the sight of F-16 waxing their tails would be something most of us would cheer, no?,... Israel, as always, is getting hosed.
But at the end of the day,... we built this little nation,...
At 8/01/2006 11:25:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
You can't use negotiation to disarm people who have the expressed goal of the destruction of Israel. It hasn't worked in the past. Ellie, why do you think it will work now?
Truth-I also find the "final solution" ironic. I used the term a time or to before it stuck me why I found it odd....
At 8/01/2006 12:30:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK, ya'll stop picking on Ellie and go read this Washington Post article by President Carter:
Stop the Band-Aid Treatment
Now here is someone I would vote for again, even if he was on his death bed.
At 8/01/2006 07:28:00 PM,
billie said…
was i the only one who took the president thing? i am most like bill clinton. i refuse to say what my sex life was like before marriage :) after- only with my husband thank you very much!
At 8/01/2006 09:34:00 PM,
Obob said…
Umm, I am Bush43, what did you think?
In terms of Israel v. Hezbollah, peace will only be the outcome when Hezbollah bollah bollah, he he, disarms
At 8/01/2006 10:33:00 PM,
Ellie said…
robert - quick question, why are all of your examples about assault?
okay say someone assaulted me and pummeled me until I would give them money. So, I gave them some money so they would go away. yes, I would do that. If i'm stupid enough to again walk down a dark alley way and get myself beaten up again then I am pretty damn stupid. but again, I would probably give them some money to go away and leave me alone. if it's just another random asault because I'm a moron, then same rules apply.
However, if he pummeled me and then it was my turn to return an action (as is the case with Israel v. Hezbollah), I wouldn't shoot up the whole street because he had pummeled me. I probably wouldn't even shoot him for that matter, just call the cops. the people walking by did nothing, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I only believe in punishing the guilty.
enough people haven't died yet? how many poeple will it take? the whole country of lebanon?
truth-pain - just the way hezbollah advocates the destruction of Israel, Israel advocates the destruction of Hezbollah. Neither can happen because I don't see how either group can be stamped out indefinately. they'll just have to live with each other. I think that can be attained best by negotiations instead of trying to blow each other off the face of the earth.
If upstate NYers were getting pelted with rockets the US would invade Mexico and declare war on Venezuela, then steal their oil money and pretend to be setting up a democracy.
seriously though, I would be very pissed off. However, I wouldn't want all of Canada blow up. I would want as few innocent people to lose their lives. today I was reading one of vince flynn's books I believe it was "Transfer of power". very good book. the beginning talks about a special operations cia team that eliminates terrorists. now whether that's fact or fiction I'm sure something along those lines exists. That unit could invade and take out the people that needed to be taken out to get the job done. with as little civilian death as possible. meanwhile NY could talk to Canada and tell them to stop firing missles at them.
yes, Hezbollah acted first. but I don't think what they did waranted the response by Israel. They hit way to hard, in my humble opinion.
beltway - thanks for sticking up for me! :) I would definately vote for Jimmy Carter.
betmo - bill clinton, as I probably mentioned countless times before, is one of my favorite presidents. we'll keep it a secret, don't worry. :)
obob - I'm afraid you're right. I dont' think they're going to though. this might be WWIII, that is if Iran gets into the mix.
At 8/02/2006 09:47:00 AM,
Obob said…
no need to invade Venezuela, chavezism is wilting like my plants from the heat
At 8/02/2006 10:28:00 PM,
Human said…
This is all a prelude to more death. For the Bush Regime and the Zionists this is going just as planned.
The 2 IDF soldiers were in Lebanon when taken as POW. Not kidnapped.
Peace. It's possible. Just not with the crazy bastards who are in power now.
At 8/05/2006 10:37:00 PM,
steven rix said…
.... .. ....
At 8/06/2006 11:00:00 AM,
5th Estate said…
Robert: "You can't use negotiation to disarm people who have the expressed goal of the destruction of Israel."
Force is the only means by which "these people" feel they can negotiate. But this isn't a playground fight over territory or lunch money.
Israel has overall beaten the crap out of the opposition (with varying degrees of extra-national assistance) since it's inception, but such peace as it has known has been dependent as much on negotiation as it has been on military might. Warfare affects negotiations, but peace is the result of negotiations, even after defeat and victory. Even if Israel could completly annihilate Hezbollah in Lebanon, their heavy hand will create a new opposition on their borders from the local civilians, and the untouched supporters in other countries will have yet another cause to support. I agree it is impossible to reason with the unreasonable, but the unreasonable are the minority. However if the unreasonable are given power they exploit it. The current Israeli government and the Hezbollah leaders are BOTH unreasonable, and the civilians on both sdes suffer.
At 8/08/2006 05:04:00 AM,
steven rix said…
I'm just being cool about it.
At 8/08/2006 05:13:00 AM,
steven rix said…
They have not blown the world yet!
But my dick does not agree with the above sentence :)
Please! Somebody blow me! Right now!
PS: I was typing with one hand only. LOL.
They all think about their assholes anyway. When was the last time they had *chocolate* ?
* I am a virgin *
Je t'aime cherie, je veux coucher avec toi!
At 8/09/2006 09:58:00 AM,
Human said…
Hi Ellie. Hope everythings ok. If you don't want to put up a post yet, come over and read my post about CNN's coverage of Lamont's Victory last night.
At 8/09/2006 10:33:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ellie, are you alive? Getting worried about you!
At 8/10/2006 12:16:00 AM,
Ellie said…
hey everybody, sorry I've been away for a while. everything's okay, just busy. I finally got an e-mail link posted up. If I've e-mailed you before on a different address that one still works. It's just been overridden by spam and subscriptions and work-related things. you can use whichever you prefer, just letting you know what's up.
obob - definately too hot.
human - it disgusts me how this is their plan all along yet they stand up there and pretend they care about the people in lebanon. they're such hypocrites, it's disgusting.
5th estate - so true. both hezbollah and israel are guilty here, yet we only hear how guilty hezbollah is. true, they are a terrorist organization. but who's bombing the hell out of lebanon? how dare they pretend they care about the good of the lebanese people when they are killing so many innocents.
politiques USA - lol. I believe I said blow up the world, not blown the world. but whatever floats your boat.
I don't speak french but I think I got that. ya mean it, e-mail me. ya don't, e-mail me anyways and say hi. I finally got the link posted up. :)
human - great post. I went over before and commented. I've been thinking of a post but I'm too tired tonite. maybe tomorrow or the next day... for now, just some comments then sleepy time. again, I'm okay, just overworked and overstressed. thanks for the concern. :)
robert - Still breathing over here. I've just been really stressed out lately over work and a ton of other things I have to do. I decided to take a few nights off and get to sleep at a decent time. it turned into longer than I thought. thanks for the thought. :)
At 8/10/2006 04:49:00 AM,
The Future Was Yesterday said…
Re "What President Are You Most Like?"
I found the questions to be far too vague to complete the quiz, i.e. "Sailing and swimming", "Tennis and Fishing." I don't like tennis, I own a motorized boat, and I love to fish, but you couldn't select more than one.
I must be like Ray Gun. Always living on another planet!:)
At 8/10/2006 11:15:00 PM,
Ellie said…
I found the same thing. however I think it's just the general idea. because i'm somewhat into tennis and not really a fishing person. most people seemed to get what would be expected so it must be doing something right. but who knows. :)
At 8/13/2006 06:55:00 PM,
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…
beltway, thank you for the link to the Carter Column. I did not vote for him -- I wasn't of legal voting age at the time. But if I had been I would have -- and been proud to tell everyone I had done so. Truly a great American. I highly recommend his latest book, "Our Endangered Values" -- especially for Liberal Christian Democrats (which I am).
I made a copy of the audiobook for my Mother, and she listened to it -- although she dislikes politics and generally tries to avoid anything political in nature -- because it's too depressing.
FYI: there is a Carter-related post on my blog -- for anyone interested.
ellie, I like your response to robert's ridiculous assault analogy.
BTW, I just saw the comment you left on my blog -- which is now over a month old. To answer your question -- everything is fine with me -- I just haven't been blogging. There didn't appear to be much interest in my blog... so I decided not to put a lot of time into writing pieces nobody was going to read. I tried to keep my posts short, but when I write about an issue I try to make as strong a case as I can, and cover all questions anyone might have -- hence the length of my first post.
I started and then abandoned two additional posts -- one titles "Big Oil's Record Profits: Supply and Demand or Greed?", the and another titled "Racism, Bigotry and the Republican Party". Does anybody here think they might be interested in reading either (just based on the titles -- which I think are pretty self explanatory).
Instead of blogging I've been editing video on my computer, which I am far behind on -- I now have 10 VHS tapes I'd like to transfer over to my computer... I've been recording every episode of The Daily Show AND the Colbert Report and saving them at 696kbps -- not HIGH quality, but adequate for watching on my computer.
Also, I've been reading and listeing to political books/audiobooks. Some of the books I checked out from our local library were on cassette -- and transfering them to my computer was quite time comsuming...
Would anybody here be interested in trading political audiobooks? If so please contact me at the email address located in my profile. There are a LOT of books I'd like to read -- but, unfortuantely, I do not have enough money to purchase them all -- and, as I have noted before, my local library stinks. They don't have a very big selection, nor, it seems, are they able to special order anything (from other libraries). They were able to get two Gore Vidal books for me... but it has been over two months since I requested two other books -- so it doesn't look like I'll be getting either of those (one was Al Gore's book -- I forget what the other one was).
As for my blog: I updated the links section recently. There are some good ones there, IMO. In particular I recommend Greg Palast's website.
At 8/13/2006 11:06:00 PM,
Ellie said…
great to hear from you!! It's been a while. glad everythings okay. your posts are quite long, but interesting. and informational, giving me facts that I don't have time to look up. both of those posts sound very intriguing and i'm wondering where you're going with them.
as for me, I haven't posted in a while because my life has just been crazy recently. I've been planning to post something but now I think all of my ideas are somewhat outdated or someone else has taken them and said what I wanted to say much better than I could have ever said it. Maybe I'll think of something new tomorrow, who knows. but I will post soon, it's been too long.
shall check out those links soon. :)
At 8/15/2006 09:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, there is no link to comment on the racial profiling post.
I have a dissertation to write on the subject!
At 8/15/2006 10:28:00 PM,
Ellie said…
yea, I'm not sure why that happened. I tried to fix it, but its not working. maybe I'll try and fiddle around in the profile, see if that fixes anything. can't wait to hear your input! :)
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