Political Hot Spot

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2008 Elections

The chatter about elections has been going on for a few months now. Each potential candidate has declared their candidacy and they are expected to battle it out for the next year until the primaries, and then continue the war between Democrats and Republicans until the elections.

So, the big question....who's it going to be?

Personally, I would like to see Al Gore win. He has always been a favorite of mine. He certainly has enough experience, and I believe won the election in 2000. He loves this country and is just the person we need right now. With the War in Iraq, the rising debt, and all the other problems that have risen during the Bush administration, our country is not in a good place. We need a strong president who is willing to rise to the occaision and bring our country back together. I feel the best man for the job is Al Gore.

He hasn't announced his candidacy yet, and hopefully he will run. I ask you to sign this petition Draft Al Gore for President. Whether you support him or not, you should still sign because he has a real chance at doing a lot of good for this country, and should at least be in the running.

More of my thoughts on the election to come...


  • At 2/14/2007 03:28:00 AM, Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said…

    "So, the big question....who's it going to be?"

    Noooo idea, Ellie, none at all. But I will tell you one thing: whoever it is, will have promised us one thing and delivers another.

  • At 2/14/2007 10:21:00 AM, Blogger Obob said…

    I respectfully disagree on Gore, I don;t see him as a real leader. Not enough moxie, I beleive the word.
    I like Rudy, but I wnt to see his fiscal plans.
    Good to see you are back! Stay warm out there

  • At 2/14/2007 07:30:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    Cool Ellie Cool. Supposedly he will make some sort of announcement Oscar night. Fingers crossed.


  • At 2/14/2007 09:53:00 PM, Blogger Ellie said…

    future - I hope you're incorrect on that, but you're probably dead on. Most politicians seem to say one thing and do another. Lets just hope we get one this time who does much less damaging things for our country.

    obob - I guess Rudy should be my man since i'm from nyc, and we're the place that knows him best. I am interested in what he has to say, but I still stand behind Gore. Rudy is known mainly as America's mayor and we'll see if he has what it takes to be the leader of the country.

    human - yess! fingers crossed, definately.

  • At 2/14/2007 10:34:00 PM, Blogger Dardin Soto said…

    .... I'm voting for the best "do-er" of the lot. I could care less how much money you have in the bank, male of female, or how much Chris Mathews fawns all over your ass,... what have you DONE?...

    A nice example is Rudy, just an example mind you.

    1. He got elected in a blatantly democratic city. A doer.
    2. As D.A., he took on the mob and virtually single-handed broke the back of the most powerfull Mafia family in America,... a doer.
    3. He cleaned up downtown NY. Anybody who remembers the cesspool it was near Times Square, with all the porn, hookers, pimps and homeless remembers what I am talking about. Was it perfect? no... but he did SOMETHING.... a doer.
    4. 911... do I need to say the leadership provided?

    I will take a guy like that (or a Romney, who had major success in every private and public venture he's ever done) over blowhards like Hillary and McCain who have never been in charge of ANYTHING, much less any track record of executive accumen. As to Gore?... sorry I just can't pull the lever for the guy. I can cite list-full of items where he said he would do something and caved when the kitchen got hot. I can list item after item where he bellowed about the environment but waltzed around in massive jets and gas-guzzling limos... please Al.. spare us the hypocrisy. I am sure he is a decent and caring man,...but can we just leave the recycled candidates in bed and get a fresh face in there?....

    But what the hell do I know,...

    Welcome back Hon... we missed you :)

  • At 2/14/2007 10:47:00 PM, Blogger Ellie said…

    fresh face, huh? like barack obama? I admire the guy and I think he's great, but he's probably not going to last long. He has little experience...the problem with a fresh face. the people with the experience are the same old ones that come up every time election year rolls around.

    I definately agree with what you're saying...we need a do-er. Rudy has gotten things done. True, NYC isn't perfect, but its a lot better than it was. However, NYC is a huge city but small compared to america. Does he have enough experience to run the country? That's something that we'll see with time.

    As for Hilary and McCain, I wouldn't willingly vote for either. maybe hillary if she was the democratic candidate...but unlikely. hillary doesn't have an idea that isn't guided by poll numers. McCain sold himself out to get Bush's approval to better himself for his campaign. If he's willing to go against his beliefs to get elected, how willing we he be to go against them in the white house?

    I admire gore and I think he'd do a heckuva better job than any of them. just my opinion tho, who knows...

    great to be back. I've missed all of you!!

  • At 2/15/2007 10:58:00 PM, Blogger Obob said…

    rudy looks good in drag, enough said

  • At 2/16/2007 05:40:00 PM, Blogger Ellie said…


  • At 2/17/2007 08:46:00 AM, Blogger Human said…

    truth pain - 911 Leadership? Why because the MSM told you so?

    Go ask him why he knew that Bldg. 7 was going down. Ask him why the Command Center in Bldg 7 was evacuated and moved to another location that had been prepared the day before.

    Gulliani is Mafia. He's just with the Big Boys.


  • At 2/17/2007 05:29:00 PM, Blogger Ellie said…

    um...human, Giuliani is Mafia?? he took on the mafia and broke one of the biggest mafia families. that's what got him recognized in the first place.

    didn't they predict building 7 was going down? some analysts or something? I'm not sure about that, just going on memory.

    more will probably come out on Giuliani as his campaign progresses and we'll learn more about who he is.

  • At 2/17/2007 06:41:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    What I mean is he is part of the Organized Crime Unit called that I call the Bush Regime.

    Like bldg 1&2 bldg 7 was brought down by controlled demolition. Rudy was part of the coverup. He had the evidence of 3 major crimes areas taken away. What was left of the blgs. themselves.


  • At 2/18/2007 12:46:00 AM, Blogger Ellie said…

    yes, Rudy does seem to be part of the Bush Regime. I think he's only part of it because he wants to become president. It really turned me off during the Republican National Convention when he said that he said "thank god George Bush is President" after 9/11. and that wasn't in his report afterwards. Yeah, rite...he said that.

    I never thought of his rapid clean-up as getting rid of evidence, but now you mention it...some Bush Co. representative may have come to him and asked him to destroy it if he wanted any shot at the election in '08. then again, maybe it wasn't that much of a conspiracy. Needless to say, Rudy did contribute. I hadn't thought about that...

  • At 3/10/2007 03:21:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    Just dropping by to say Hi.


  • At 3/18/2007 04:09:00 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Truth-Pain said... I'm voting for the best "do-er" of the lot. A nice example is Rudy... 911... do I need to say the leadership provided?

    Yes, I think that comment needs explaining, seeing as the facts clearly indicate that Rudy's leadership performance could be best described as a "miserable failure"...

    From the Daily Kos: Rudy Giuliani was a 9/11 Failure. The record as a whole shows Giuliani to be a miserable failure on 9/11 and his status as some kind of hero is completely mythological and driven by the corporate media. (The article lays out -- point by point -- all of Giuliani's failures before, on and after the 9/11 attacks. Follow the link for the details).

    The World Trade Center Disaster and the Health of Workers: 5 Year Assessment of a Unique Medical Screening Program (excerpt) The New York Daily News quotes Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Christie Whitman saying that then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani's aides ignored her warnings that workers at Ground Zero should wear respirators after the 9/11 attacks to protect their health. We always said consistently, "You've got to wear protective gear", Whitman tells Katie Couric on CBS's "60 Minutes".

    [Even though] both EPA scientists and the New York City Department of Enviromental Protection [stated] "[we] believe the air quality is not yet suitable for reoccupancy", the mayor's office was directing OEM (Office of Emergency Management) to [ignore the warnings and] open the target areas next week. (Physics Today)

    Firefighters Blast Rudy For Post-9/11 Acts 3/9/2007, CBS News

    Firefighters Urge "Peeling Of Giuliani's 9/11 Onion" 3/12/2007. Steve Watson, Infowars.net.

    Obob said... I like Rudy...

    I respectfully disagree. I do NOT like him. In any case, is he electable as the REPUBLICAN canidate??

    Rudy Giuliani: Fake Conservative Liberal Views On Abortion, Gay Rights Will Doom Giuliani In GOP Primaries. (2/6/2007. National Review Online, by Terence P. Jeffrey)

    ellie said... I guess Rudy should be my man since i'm from nyc, and we're the place that knows him best.

    But according to the "Daily Kos" article I linked to above "Rudy Giuliani is so unpopular in New York that he couldn't be elected dogcatcher. Having raised middle class taxes/fees, presided over the continued decline of one of the worst public school systems in America, worsened the state of health care in NYC, and doled out corporate welfare to his fat cat buddies, Giuliani was mostly a failure as Mayor".

    Yet after 9/11 he is viewed as a hero (which is total BS, as the articles I linked to thoroughly explain). Basically he didn't quit on 9/11 and THAT qualifies him to be president? I don't get it.

  • At 4/14/2007 04:41:00 AM, Blogger Laurie said…

    As much as I loathed him while he was in office, can we just bring Bill Clinton back? You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, right?

  • At 6/04/2007 05:55:00 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    ellie: out of curiosity... are you on a break or is your blog abandoned? I'm ready to call it quits as far as my blog goes. Due to a complete lack of interest. Looks like you've got more people interested than I ever did though.

    Currently I am conducting a poll as to whether or not I should let my blog die. Check it out if only to take the opportunity to amuse yourself by leaving hilariously insulting comments.

    Sleeping with The Devil

    PS: I'll also accept praises.

  • At 9/03/2007 05:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 11/21/2007 08:56:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    Happy Thanksgiving Ellie. Wherever you are.

  • At 1/01/2008 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Human said…


  • At 1/23/2008 06:16:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    Hi Ellie. You won't be seeing much of me at Americablog anymore. I've been banned from there too. I guess John Avarosis wants to turn it into an echo chamber. I'll bust through their protection when the spirit moves me.
    See you around and thanks for your understanding.

  • At 2/20/2008 09:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ellie, I should say welcome back! I haven't sropped in in a while but you are still on my list!

    Will make a point once again to drop in.

  • At 11/05/2008 05:13:00 PM, Blogger Human said…

    Hope all is well. JUst came by to see. and say "YES WE DID".

  • At 7/30/2014 07:01:00 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 7/30/2014 07:02:00 PM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Still waiting for those thoughts on the 2008 election, although I don't think they will be all that relevant any more.

  • At 11/01/2015 11:47:00 AM, Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said…

    Any thoughts on the 2016 election? Go here to read mine.


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