Political Hot Spot

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


"Blunt truth never lasts long. John McCain, for example, has become a born-again Bushophile, and that was the end of him as an honest, independent voice." --James Pinkerton, columnist who worked for former President Bush

I'm afraid this is very true. John McCain was a man who I trusted and who I believed that even if he became president, he wouldn't sell himself out, and he'd make decisions based on the good of the country. Not based on his own interests. I'm not so sure about this anymore. As this quote says, McCain is leaning toward Bush's side. When many Republicans are deserting Bush because of his falling popularity, McCain is standing right there next to him. I suspect that McCain is doing this to get the Republican nomination for president in '08 however, I think he is going against what he truly believes. And I'm not sure that I trust him anymore. When questioned about this on Meet the Press with Tim Russert, he just flip-flopped and sounded like a typical Republican, not the John McCain he was a few years ago. He even said that he was with the president shortly after what Bush did to him for the Republican nomination for president in 2000: criticizing his war record. Frankly, I don't think that the Republican nomination is worth this much. McCain shoudl be true to who he is, because the way he's going, he's losing the Democratic support that he had, and even losing Republicans who are trying to back away from Bush and his low approval rating.

Perkel at www.perkel.com


  • At 4/05/2006 11:36:00 AM, Blogger celticfire said…

    Yeah I thought it was very telling to all those who still had illusions about Bush when McCain put forward the anti-torture bill and Bush & Co. rejected it, the signed it by adding the conditional element that the prez could overide the law!

    What the hell ever happened to "campassionate conservatism"?


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